About this event
The inaugural Singapore Workshop on Antennas (SWA) is a premier international event that brings together the best in antennas science, technology, and education in an environment of cooperation and technical exchanges. SWA will be held in Sheraton Towers Singapore on 27 – 28 October 2022. SWA is organized by the IEEE Singapore MTT/AP Joint Chapter, the IEEE Singapore EMC Chapter, the IEEE Singapore Aerospace and Electronic Systems/Geoscience and Remote Sensing Joint Chapter. SWA is also sponsored by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society and the IEEE Singapore RFID Chapter.
SWA uniquely features a focused scientific program of the highest quality on antennas with invited keynote speakers and selected young scientists and engineers as well as research students from all over the world. All young antenna scientist and professionals are encouraged to submit their papers to SWA. The authors of the selected papers will be bestowed the Young Antenna Scientist/Engineer Award and Prize.
Keynote Speakers
Makoto Ando Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Kamal Sarabandi University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
J. Yiannis Vardaxoglou Loughborough University, UK
Nader Behdad University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Mats Gustafsson Lund University, Sweden
Agostino Monorchio University of Pisa, Italy
Jia-Sheng Hong Heriot-Watt University, UK
David Jackson University of Houston, USA
Dan Sievenpiper University of California, San Diego, USA
Weihong Xiao Huawei Technologies, China